A law firm’s commitment to proactive risk management coupled with sound business practices can lessen the likelihood that a lawyer will face a malpractice claim, as well as help mitigate potential losses should that lawyer be sued. Risk Management is most effective if it is embraced as a business philosophy and incorporated into all stages of practice.
Risk Management Program for CNA’s Insured Lawyers
Connect to a powerful new risk control resource. Anytime. Anywhere.
Paragon Offers Many Tools for Your Firm's Risk Management Needs:
1) Premium-Reducing On-Demand Webinars -- available 24/7
2) Live, Scheduled Webinars to Reduce Premium
3) Risk Management Hotline for CNA Insured Attorneys
4) Monthly Risk Management Newsletters and Articles
5) LawyersInsurance.com – Additional Online Risk Management Tools from CNA such as:
- CNA PROfessional Counsel Newsletters
- Lawyers Risk Management “Tool Kit” – A “tool box” of sample forms, checklists, and other practice aids, as well as a comprehensive bibliography of ethics rules and opinions, case law and other risk management resources.
The best way to minimize risk is to prepare for it.
“You had better live your best and act your best and think your best today, for today is the sure preparation for tomorrow and all the other tomorrows that follow.” – Harriet Martineau (English Essayist & Novelist 1802-1876)